Justin Bieber offered $1 million to endorse dildo

In a cheesily worded letter to Bieber's listed commercial agent that was also sent to The Huffington Post, Clone-A-Willy wrote:
"Justin Bieber, he's popular, talented and now as the entire world knows ... quite well-endowed. You can only imagine ... a huge billboard of Justin Bieber and "Clone-A-
Willy" in West Hollywood. It would surely do wonders to help promote his new album and certainly wouldn't hurt his "dating" life.If there's a buck to be made from the incident, Clone-A-Willy (its product shown below) is being upfront about it and wants to milk the exposure.
"We know that Justin is a big celebrity and our offer is commiserate with someone of his enormous stature," the letter continues. "We are offering Mr. Bieber a million dollars to endorse 'Clone-A-Willy.' "

The brand says its kit produces "a vibrating silicone replica of any penis in the comfort of your own home."
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